Nice Cook Books photos
A few nice cook books images I found:
Tin Fish Gourmet
Image by mystuart
This fishy loaf (tuna from a can with additions) was inspired by a recipe from this little book by Barbara-jo McIntosh, 1998. What a great idea to celebrate tinned fish! I bought the book awhile ago at the Monterey (CA) Bay Aquarium (MBA), or the Maritime Museum of Monterey. A sheet of sardine recipes from the latter turned up in the book. Both places are well worth a visit, if you find yourself in northern California. Years ago I did some consulting for the maritime museum, before they moved into their new home. The MBA is your best source for info on sustainable seafood consumption. See:
Image by Shelli Akers
Capitain Cook Book
Image by uzumewinter
Nice Cookbook photos
A few nice cookbook images I found:
My Cookbook Collection 015
Image by Patrick Q
I spent hours pouring over my mom’s big old cookbook as a kid. It had a big influence on me – design wise, anyways. The big one was a graduation gift to my mom in 1953. I picked up the kiddie version later. I love "Better Homes and Gardens" cookbooks. Most of them have classic illustrations and fonts that perfectly mirror the design and fashion of the times. And the recipes are pretty good, too.
My Cookbook Collection 013
Image by Patrick Q
A reprint of an early 60’s cookbook, this one is a favorite of mine. My sis and her hubby gave it to me as a Christmas gift.
Cool Barbecue Foods images
Some cool barbecue foods images:
2007 Big Apple Barbecue Block Party: Baby Back Ribs
Image by wallyg
The 5th Annual Big Apple Barbecue Block Party took place in Madison Square Park on June 9-10, 2007. The Big Apple Barbecue Block Party brings together the country’s top pitmasters who cook up their award-winning food for over a hundred thousand barbecue enthusiasts.
Barbecue Ribs Green Well Food Macro July 18, 20105
Image by stevendepolo
2008 Big Apple Barbecue Block Party: Eli ‘Paperboy’ Reed & The True Lovers
Image by wallyg
The 6th Annual Snapple Big Apple Barbecue Block Party took place in Madison Square Park on June 7-8, 2008. The Big Apple Barbecue Block Party brings together the country’s top pitmasters who cook up their award-winning food for over a hundred thousand barbecue enthusiasts.
A few nice recipes images I found:
Image by miikkahoo
Indian recipe
Image by jimgskoop
I made pizza!
This time I used the full dough recipe (~3 cups of flour/1.5lb bread loaf) and baked it in the pan vs. directly on the pizza stone. The result is a larger, thicker, bread-like crust. This is how I used to do it a few years back, and I’d forgotten how tasty and filling it is! I want to get a vented pizza pan so the crust browns a bit more….
I make the dough in my bread machine. Add all ingredients to the machine’s pan in this order:
1-1/2lb loaf:
1-1/8 cup warm water
1-1/2 Tbs olive oil
1-1/2 tsp salt
3-1/3 cups AP flour (I usually use 1-1/3 C wheat flour and 2 C unbleached white flour)
1-1/2 tsp sugar
1-1/2 tsp yeast
Dough takes about 1 hour to mix+rise in the machine. When ready, turn out onto floured work surface, and roll/press/toss into a 16-inch circle. If using a pizza pan, dust the pan with flour and corn meal to prevent the dough from sticking. Put dough in pan, or on pizza peel.
Top with one small can (8 ounces) of tomato sauce, spread evenly. Add oregano, basil, black pepper, red pepper, garlic powder, and any other herbs or spices you prefer. Grate a little parmigiano reggiano cheese over the sauce, then add as much shredded mozzarella cheese as you prefer (I usually use 3-4 handfulls). I like to then grate a little cheddar or other sharp cheese over top of the mozzarella for added flavor. Finish with pepperoni, mushrooms, pepperoncinis — whatever you like. Bake in oven (preferably on pizza stone) at 500 F (or as hot as your oven will go) for ten minutes. Check the crust for done-ness, and bake an additional 2 minutes or so if needed. If the bottom of the crust is done but the top of the pie isn’t as brown as you’d like, it’s helpful to move the pie from the bottom rack of your oven to the top, or vice versa as needed.
Slice, serve with a nice salad and a cold beer, and enjoy!
For thinner-crust pizza, which I bake directly on the pizza stone, I use half of this dough recipe, and roll it out to about a 12-inch circle.
Tallarines de arroz con calabacín, ajos tiernos y soja germinada
Image by Lablascovegmenu
Recipe for dummies: Fry soy sprouts, courgette and spring garlic. Boil rice vermicelli. Add rice vermicelli to vegetables an fry a pair of minutes more.
Shabbos dinner-1
Some cool family meals images:
Shabbos dinner-1
Image by Paul Jacobson
The sisters together.
Image by practicalowl