Nice Cookbook photos
Check out these cookbook images:
Maranville Bonne Femme Cookbook
Image by cbertel
A well marked cookbook
Image by Another Pint Please…
My new favorite cookbook
Image by craigemorsels
Mmmm, asparagus sandwich… can’t say I’ve ever thought of putting asparagus on a sandwich before, but hey, there’s a first for everything.
This was a b’day gift from Jen.
Cool Cook Books images
Some cool cook books images:
What’s Cookin’
Image by sling@flickr
Süße Verführung
Image by Astrid Kopp
mehr über die Rezepte darin gibt’s bei Leselust
Captain Cook Bookshelves – Kohala Book Shop – Kapa’au, Hawaii
Image by brewbooks
Kohala Book Shop
This was a very fine used bookshop, I was impressed by the quality (and quantity ) of books.
1041008 448
Cool Diet images
A few nice diet images I found:
Image by leandroluna
servido na hora…
diet pepsi
Image by aubergene
Cool Family Meals images
A few nice family meals images I found:
Luncheon, commonly abbreviated to lunch, is a midday meal.
Image by Yarden Sachs
Family denotes a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-residence.
20071215 021 Family meal in Furedis
Image by Eilam Gil
A few nice cook books images I found:
Image by swishphotos
maasikasorbett/strawberry sorbet
Image by Mari Liis
Cooking in 10 Minutes
Image by mr lynch