Food Scrap Collector

June 16, 2024 · Posted in Family Meals · Comment 

A few nice family meals images I found:

Food Scrap Collector
family meals
Image by Liz Phung
handsome dog that would wait around during meals.

family meals
Image by dchrisoh

Pete Pam Family Meal At Their Holiday Villa Oct 27 2010 003
family meals
Image by derek_avis

Food – Summer Pudding

May 16, 2024 · Posted in Recipes · Comment 

Check out these recipes images:

Food – Summer Pudding
Image by mikaela_d

Pretzel Recipe
Image by sisterbeer
If anyone is interested. We’re making them again tonight. I’m tweaking the recipe just a little: instead of boiling 10 C of water plus 2/3 C of baking soda, I’m only going to boil 5 C with 1/3 C. Since you’re boiling each pretzel alone, you just don’t need that much to get it done. And we’re going to go with 16 pretzels this time instead of 8…we don’t need them to be gigantic. Also–you can’t see it here–this recipe called for the parchment to be brushed lightly with oil. I’m not going to do that this time because it really turned out to be unnecessary.

Bolli mixing between wet & dry food

May 12, 2024 · Posted in Diet · Comment 

Check out these diet images:

Bolli mixing between wet & dry food
Image by Annie Mole
Bolli isn’t fat but needs presciption diet food for his pancreatic issues & being a senior cat makes him less active & more likely to gain weight

More on the discussion on diet pet food on Facebook

Image by gparmer

Diet Pepsi
Image by Natachenka

EAT! Vancouver – Food + Cooking Festival 2014

January 17, 2023 · Posted in Barbecue Foods · Comment 

Some cool barbecue foods images:

EAT! Vancouver – Food + Cooking Festival 2014
barbecue foods
Image by GoToVan

barbecue foods
Image by Christian González Verón

Michael Pollan at UBC Farm – In Defense of Food – IMG_3054.JPG

December 1, 2022 · Posted in Cook Books · Comment 

Check out these cook books images:

Michael Pollan at UBC Farm – In Defense of Food – IMG_3054.JPG
cook books
Image by roland

Launch of: The Case of the Missing Deed
cook books
Image by Tundra Books
Blogged about here:…

Bourdain at Union 24
cook books
Image by rockdoggydog

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