3 Bottle Bar by H.i. Williams (1943) page 64

April 24, 2021 · Posted in Recipes · Comment 

Some cool recipes images:

3 Bottle Bar by H.i. Williams (1943) page 64
Image by MetaGrrrl
The complete book, from the collection of the San Francisco Public Library.

I waive any copyright claim I may have in this image and dedicate my copyright interest in the image to the public domain. I also believe that the book depicted in the image is in the public domain, though I do not warrant that it is. The book was published between 1923 and 1963, so the author was required to renew the copyright 28 years after publication to prevent it from entering into the public domain. My search of the copyright renewals database (http://collections.stanford.edu/copyrightrenewals/) indicates that the copyright in this book was not renewed.

Mediterranean recipes from the Traveller’s Table cookery book
Image by heatheronhertravels
This photo links to my blog article at www.heatheronhertravels.com/mediterranean-recipes-travell…

The Traveller’s Table cookery book was produced by www.simpsontravel.com

This photo may be used for non commercial purposes on condition that you credit Heatheronhertravels.com and link to www.heatheronhertravels.com/ For commercial use please contact me for permission at heather@heatheronhertravels.com