Nice Recipes photos
A few nice recipes images I found:
Making Puerco Pibil
Image by ldandersen
Here’ s a cooking tutorial in the spirit of that lemon pie recipe that made the rounds awhile back.
A few other notes:
– The annato seeds are apparently very difficult to grind up (Robert Rodriguez recommends using a coffee grinder on the "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" DVD), but I was fortunately able to buy them in pre-ground form. Since they were already ground, I adjusted the recipe to use 3 tbsp instead of 5.
– I bought a bottle of pre-minced garlic, so I wasn’t sure how much to use. I ended up using about 2/3 of a 1 oz. bottle, and that seemed to work out fine.
– To devein the peppers, cut off the stem at the top, cut the peppers in half, and then clean the seeds and white stuff out of the inside. I mention this because I was unsure what that meant at first.
– Perhaps it’s just the high altitude here in Denver, but we ended up cooking the pork for a lot longer than 4 hours (we did something like 6) and probably could have done it longer to make it even more tender. I think this is one dish it would be difficult to cook for too long.
Apple Pudding Recipe
Image by Shadowfoot
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