Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook – back inside cover

February 9, 2012 · Posted in Cookbook 

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Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook – back inside cover
Image by Thoth, God of Knowledge
Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook – back inside cover

Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook

Revised, Enlarged Edition
25 Years of Farm Journal’s Best Recipes

Silver Jubilee Recipe Collection (1947-1972) from Farm Journal Food Editiors … revised from the 1959 edition, now enlarged and reorganized, easier to use … for all Americans who are rediscovering cooking as a satisfying and creative things to do. Whether you’re growing basil in a windowbox, planting a big garden or buying at a roadside stand, this book will help you cook and preserve everything at its tasty best.

1959 revised 1972

On cookbooks, orphans, and out-of-print books
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farmers market cookbook backcover
Image by chotda
1951 cookbook for the los angeles farmer’s market

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