Nice Cookbook photos
A few nice cookbook images I found:
Image by natalie’s new york
each or all 5 for
all new and in great condition
pickup in astoria or in the city by grand central.
Prevention’s Fiber Up Slim Down
Betty Crocker Win At Weight Loss Cookbook
Two Meatballs in the Italian Kitchen
by Pino Luongo and Mark Strausman
One Cake, One Hundred Desserts: Learn One Foolproof Cake Recipe and Make One Hundred Desserts (Hardcover)
victoria gotti’s Hot Italian Dish
(Paperback, Adv. Read. Edition)
My cookbooks
Image by framboise
I’ll be sad to leave most of these in storage. The chosen few that will go with me are on the bottom shelf. Close-ups of the shelves: Bottom, Middle , Top.
These photos were taken so I could join in on the cookbook meme. I post about my shelves here.
Achewood Cookbook Autograph
Image by Skrewtape
The personalized autograph inside my copy of the Achewood Cookbook.
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