The Star Wars Cookbook II -Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes
Product Description
Even the pickiest of Gungans will eat their fruits and veggies when Bubble City Salad and Boss Nass Broccoli are on the menu. With this exciting new sequel to the best-selling The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookiee Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes, Star Wars fans of all ages can cook up more out-of-this-world fun. From razor-toothed Opee’s Sea Crunch (for fish fillets with a real bite) to Darth Double Dogs (doubling as a light saber you can eat!), this intergalactic Star… More >>
The Star Wars Cookbook II -Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes
5 Responses to “The Star Wars Cookbook II -Darth Malt and More Galactic Recipes”
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Star Wars Cookbook was the best cookbook in the world. It hand strange recipes like Tusken Raider Taters and Twin Sun Toasties, but also fancy food like Han-Burgers, Greedo`s Burritos, Princess Leia Danish Dos, Jedi Juice Pops and the king recipe, Wookiee Cookiees.
I got this cookbook before Wookiee Cookiees in Christmas 2003. It was quite nice’. It featured funny names like Sith Speeder Sunrise, Handmaiden Hash Browns and Boss Nass Broccoli. The photos are amusing as in Wookiee Cookiees: Watto over few Watto Melon Cubes and Gungans fighting from Booma Breakfast Tarts. The pages are wipe clean, so Amidala Challah does not damage on it.
I love Sith Slush, so I had to make it on summer with my father.
Good, but Star Wars Cookbook 1 was better.
Rating: 4 / 5
This book is the following volume to the Star Wars Cookbook: Wookie Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes and like its predecessor it has the same beautifully illustrated, spiral-bound, hardcover format. It is another must buy for serious Star Wars fans that want to keep adding delicious Star Wars themed recipes to their lives and want to have fun while preparing their meals.
The book is divided into five sections for easy reference: Breakfasts, Snacks and Sides, Main Courses, Desserts and Treats, and Drinks. Each Star Wars themed recipe is fully and clearly explained (ingredient measurements and preparation instructions) for easy understanding. The book’s introduction contains practical advice on cooking safety and includes a guide of the cooking tools you’ll need. As an added bonus, the pages of the book are laminated for easy, stain-free cleaning.
You will love all the recipes, and will probably recreate, the wonderfully photographed serving suggestions given in the book like the Booma Breakfast Tarts, the Pit Droid Pizza, and the Qui-Gon Jinn-ger Snaps which are decorated with the action figures of known characters of the Star Wars Episode I movie. Other recipes’ presentations feature enjoyable visual puns like the Boss Nass Broccoli, the Protocol Droid Pasta and the Darth Maul Dip (which even includes a plastic template for decoration). Some are even very basic, but really tasty, recipes that have been given clever Star Wars-sounding names like Darth Malt, Panakacakes and Pickle Jar Jar.
Buy this book, and share the joy of cooking and your love of everything Star Wars with kids and adults, family and friends. And May The Force Be With You.
I would also recommend buying the Star Wars Cookbook and The Star Wars Party Book along with this one as they all make a complete, excellent and fun idea source book for everyday cooking and Star Wars themed parties.
–Reviewed by M. E. Volmar
Rating: 5 / 5
I LOVE this book! As I stated before, I got this for Christmas after taking up an interest in Star Wars, especially Episode I. And that was it. It started with some “Booma Breakfast Tarts” and I’ve been cooking ever since. I love the pictures of the action figures with the food. They really make you want to try the recipes. I’ve had it for two months and have made 11 recipes from it so far. Thursday is usually “Forceful Frittata Day”. “Amidala Challah” was a hit at a bake sale I helped with. The “Darth Double Dogs” I made for my friends went over well (though they kept trying to fight with them at the table!) I just made some “Panakacakes”. (A good thing is, if you want to make some of the things for a non-Star Wars related event, most of the recipes are just regular things with names like “Qui-Gon Jinn-ger Snaps” and “Anakin’s Apple Crisp”. No one will know if you don’t tell them!) Even if you don’t try the recipes, it’s a fun book to just LOOK at.
I heavily reccomend this book to Star Wars Episode I fans with a mild interest in cooking. Also reccomended heavily are the “Wookiee Cookies” book and the “Party Book”.
Rating: 5 / 5
Great addition to your cookbook collection and Star Wars collection, but if you’re like me your collection is big enough already! Book contains a variety of delicious looking recipes from “a galaxy far, far away”. Whether it’s Boonta Classic Waffles for Breakfast to start your day, Pit Droid Pizza for a party with friends, or Panakacakes for a sweet evening treat for your loved one, you will have great fun cooking away with this book. Even if you are not too experienced a chef, you will have to give it your Jedi best, but try not – DO or DO NOT…there is no try!
Rating: 5 / 5
I Bought Both Star Wars CookBook II & Star Wars Wookie Cookies CookBook For Some Good Reasons, I am a Star Wars Fan Too, (Just like I’m a trekkie for the past 21 years.) Some of the recipes look absolutely delicious. If I try some recipies, for example Yoda Soda, Droid Dot Pizza, Anakin Apple Crisp or any other recipe I will let you know. May The Force Be With You.
Rating: 5 / 5