Cool Low Carb Recipes images

July 26, 2011 · Posted in Low Carb Recipes 

Some cool low carb recipes images:

October 28 2007 day 17 – Measuring, calculating, baking…
low carb recipes
Image by DeathByBokeh
Today is my neighbor’s wedding anniversary. I decided to bake them a giant low carb. chocolate cookie. No, they are not diabetic. Baking a low carb version also lets me enjoy a chocolate cookie without having to worry about excess carbs. I decided to experiment with a new recipe that I’ve been thinking of trying for sometime. I wrote down all the ingredients, the proportions I planned to use, and then got out the measuring cups. This photograph articulates my typical baking adventures, wherein I calculate the carbs and measure all the ingredients carefully. Sometimes, I have to weigh the ingredients before I use them, but that’s a topic for another post. Watch my Flickr photo stream for the finished product and the recipe.

Update 1: Recipe at

There is no cure for diabetes, yet.

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