Candida Albican Yeast-Free Cookbook, The : How Good Nutrition Can Help Fight the Epidemic of Yeast-Related Diseases

August 8, 2010 · Posted in Bestselling Cooking Books 

Product Description
This is the complete, authoritative guide that shows how nutrition can fight the epidemic of yeast- and fungus-related diseases and disorders including asthma, bronchitis, depression, fatigue, and memory loss. Fully updated, this second edition includes dozens of new recipes utilizing 12 foods that contain the antiseptic enzymes researchers have discovered will eradicate yeast and fungus…. More >>

Candida Albican Yeast-Free Cookbook, The : How Good Nutrition Can Help Fight the Epidemic of Yeast-Related Diseases

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5 Responses to “Candida Albican Yeast-Free Cookbook, The : How Good Nutrition Can Help Fight the Epidemic of Yeast-Related Diseases”

  1. Jacob Spinoza on August 8th, 2010 7:57 pm

    I found this book very helpful in the battle with yeast. The recipes are healthy, made from common ingredients, and quick and easy to prepare. They are also very flavorful. By avoiding the foods which promote the growth of Candida Albicans yeast, your body’s natural immune defense can re-establish a healthy balance of micro-organisms for optimum health. Following the diets in this book, I noticed a difference immediatley, and was completley free of symptoms in two weeks. (I also used herbs to help fight the candida)
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. Anonymous on August 8th, 2010 9:38 pm

    I thought this book was very helpful. What I liked most was the “rainbow meal plan” which listed the vegetables and meat combinations you could have on this diet at every meal. Because there are so many vegetables/meat combinations to choose from you shouldn’t get bored. The plan also recommends steaming for all your food so it’s easy to prepare – all you need is water, a pot and a steamer. The downside is you do have to chop a lot of veggies – however, it’s worth it! I also had a hard time with another recipe which called for “Homemade Potassium Baking Powder” pg.83. In the recipe the book says to use potassium bicarbonate which can be ordered from a pharmacy. However, when I went to pick up my bicarbonate it had a skull and cross bone on the bottle and was rated somewhat toxic. When I talked to the pharmacist he said I needed to know what percentage of the potassium bicarbonate was called for because potassium bicarbonate is a strong base. Anyway I had no way to get that information so I skipped that recipe. So obviously the book should be more detailed about things like that. Yet even with this snaffoo I thought the book was helpful and still use most recipes.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  3. Midwest Book Review on August 8th, 2010 10:04 pm

    Now in a thoroughly updated and expanded second edition, Pat Connolly’s The Candida Albicans Yeast-Free Cookbook continues to offer the best and clearest explanation of the role good nutrition plays in helping to deal with yeast-related diseases and allergies. From Crowned Eggplant, Mint-Pea Salad, and Sweet Potato Souffle, to Fish in Butter-Ginger Sauce, Minestrone Soup, and A One-Pot Rainbow Meal, Connolly offers more than 150 delicious recipes for the yeast intolerant diner. Of special note are chapters devoted to “Eating Out”; “A Menu Sampler”; “Candida Folk Wisdom”; “Foods for the Yeast-Sensitive to Avoid”; and “Carbohydrates and Calories”. The Candida Albicans Yeast-Free Cookbook is an essential, core title for the kitchen cookbook collection of any family with a yeast intolerant family member.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. HPG on August 8th, 2010 11:01 pm

    I like this cookbook. It is not quite as restrictive as some other candida diets, so that should be kept in mind for those searching for a way to conquer candida. Also, it is a cookbook, not a health book, so it does not go into great depth about candida, though it does offer some useful information. I would not make this my primary reference book on candida. I like the book for its simple, healthy whole foods recipes, though.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  5. Shelly Leal on August 8th, 2010 11:42 pm

    Years ago, on the advice of a holistic doctor, I went on a yeast-free, sugar-free diet for 6 weeks. I successfully eliminated excess candida from my body and my health improved vastly. Unfortunately, in those days the only cookbook available was Dr. William Crook’s The Yeast Connection Cookbook, which, while essential, was difficult to follow. This time around, I looked for a cookbook that was more up-to-date, varied, and easy to use. I found it in Candida Albican Yeast-Free Cookbook. Its Rainbow Food Plan is not only easier to follow, but it makes a pretty, well balanced meal as well. I especially liked the Oat-Bran Sweet Potato Muffins, zucchini soup (most of their soups are easy to make), Fish in Butter-Ginger Sauce, and Beef Rutabaga Stew (made without the rutabaga, and it was fine). Many of the recipes are for 2 servings only because one is not supposed to have leftovers since it tends to encourage mold growth (those sensitive to yeast also tend to be sensitive to molds). I went ahead and doubled the recipes since I was making it for my daughter (who was also on the diet) and husband (who wasn’t). Everyone seemed to agree that the recipes were tasty and satisfying.

    Oh, by the way, I lost 8 lbs. in 6 weeks, and feel great. And I still plan to make the muffins, some of the soups and the dips.
    Rating: 4 / 5

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